
@dander @Stahesh

Back when I had R1 they wanted 25k a year for a 14k bike. Absolutely retarded they just put numbers into the computer and say pay up or no insurance for you. Granted I was young at the time and just got my license but still that is insane.

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@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @dander Probably something similar to my car when the dealer typed in to PC with basic and extra BS it was at least 10k CZK

Later when it was only basic that I were need to have by law it came down to just 2.5k CZK

I would ask if it just basic or they put extra to make more money.

@dander @Stahesh

I haven't had a bike for a decade, hoping to get back onto one next year. I'm a bit older now so hopefully rates have come down haha

@dander @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu I doubt that after long time of inflation that the price will be low.

When my car insurance and health insuramce keep increasing every year.

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