
@Tfmonkey What we really need to do is pull a Paul Volker increase interest rates to 20% and double capital gains and dividend taxes then cut social security Medicare etc by 30%. This will be shared austerity not just cutting programs for poor people. The govt has printed way too much money and this money is sloshing around the economy pushing asset prices up. The govt needs to destroy that money and lower inflation.

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@Crouchingshittingtiger @Tfmonkey but rich people who own real assets will get out of it as winners yet again.

@Justicar @Tfmonkey Even TFM knows many of these people fell ass backwards into wealth. They invested in Tech or the housing Bubble like Meet Kevin this guys has no clue of anything. We need to teach Dave Ramseys Total Money Make Over in school so more people will have wealth not just 1% having everything like in South America.

@Justicar @Tfmonkey Asset bubbles make everyone look "smart". Money is thrown around at nonsense like internet websites, AI, Bitcoin etc. We the tide rolls back, we will see who is in the ocean with their shinny asses in the wind...

@Crouchingshittingtiger Who's "we" and how are we going to achieve any of those things? Politically? Ha!

The US government is owned by Israel and anyone who resists is dealt with. But even if that wasn't the case, the majority of voters want more welfare and free stuff, they don't care about the long term nor their rights, as it became painfully obvious during covid. The system isn't even worth saving.

What "we" really need to do is to depopulate the planet through vaccines and apparently war.

@Based_Accelerationist I agree with depopulation. There are too many people on the planet and depopulation will lower agg demand and start off another Enlightenment era. "We" are people that don't own millions $ of assets. If you get into a car accident right now you are fucked. I know people that pay $12k a year in health insurance and the insurance companies still nickle and dime you.

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