wake up babe, another incel report completed in 2023.
> Incels in Australia
The ideology, the threat, and a way forward
Here's a summary of their 6 policy recommendations:
1. Classify incels as domestic terrorists
2. Include misogyny as hate speech
3. Increase/improve censorship algorithms
4. Create new pro-feminist propaganda programs aimed at boys
5. Target incels for new deradicalization programs
6. Create online honeypots that promote emasculated versions of acceptable maculinity.
Basically, a declaration of war against their own young men.
@UncleIroh @theFlow Not war, "reforging" as Solzhenitsyn named it.
The Gulag Archipelago Vol 2, page 67. They posted a slogan: "'A prisoner is an active participant
in socialist construction!" And they even thought up a term for
it too-reforging. (It was here that this term was invented.)'" (Events cir. 1930.)
@UncleIroh @theFlow I see what context you're referencing now.