I keep hearing about the "rise in antisemitism" in public life and even TFM brought it up on the show when speaking about the Jewish tunnels, but I want to see the evidence. Where are the police reports of battery, assault, or even just threats directed at Jews?

Surely if they were happening, would not the news parade them around, clutching their pearls aghast at such hate?

Where's the anti-Semitism? (I am and what posts are in this feed. I mean in normie society; where is it?)

@DoubleD You should know by now merely speaking ill of the great and holy and objectively morally correct state of israel is enough to be called an anti-semite. So, if merely negative sentiments about israel or jews qualifies, and people are riled up about what israel is doing, you don't really need to sniff around for definitive evidence to conclude that there's rising antisemitism.


@ButtWorldsMan Ah, yes, how silly of me to not consider this blatant use of word magic. Everything is anti-semetic, everything is pro-genocide, and they WILL point it all out, whether it makes sense or not so as to relieve you of your will to resist, your desire to survive beyond their clutches, and your capacity for skepticism.

For the glorious revolution, comrade.

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