If you tie with a Half Windsor-type of knot it likely looks like dogshit.

Don't use that sloppy ass-fart of a tie knot anymore.

Look at the fucking difference.

I also prefer it without a divot / crease.


If you HAVE to or WANT to wear a tie, you should look like a man who knows what he's doing.

@RoninGrey The same can be said for anything related to appearance. If you're poor and need to get a suit make sure it fits, even if it comes from a thrift store. If you can only grow a patchy beard, shave it rather than looking like a bum. If you are heavy, eat less. If you are thin, exercise more.

Look good according standards you can reach and to which you aspire no matter how frugal or lavish your lifestyle.


@RoninGrey Before anyone comments about methods for losing weight or gaining muscle, that is not the point of this comment.

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