Looking back at the whole Brazil election (with likely "fortifications" by the CIA), I have to wonder if Bolsonaro did choose to cross the Rubicon if that could have sparked WWIII. I really doubt that countries like the US would not double down on making sure that the "correct" result was kept in place by sending their own military. And after that, all bets would be off with who else might decide to enter the fray. Which could mean WWIII.

Maybe all this would not happen, but I have to wonder.


@houseoftolstoy Well, the Great Wars were precipitated by Proxy Wars involved in civil wars. It will somewhat depend on where the chips fall. They're all most certainly going to see 'volunteers' supporting various factions. I certainly am surprised though nobody has come nearly as much to Russia's aid in terms of procurement of ammunitions, 'volunteers', as well as at least having some more joint weapons pacts. Stuff that wouldn't be outright 'hostile'.

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