@FinalDresdonation @Tfmonkey that reminds me, a few years ago Tfm was predicting the stages towards full communism. Something like1) the Californiaization of America 2) granting amnesty/voting to illegal immigrants 3) South Africaization of America. I’m sure I don’t have it exactly right but I remember the South Africaization. Scary how easily this gets to be policy.


@southpole21 @Tfmonkey We're openly at the transition of south africaization except it won't be apartheid with Whites having status. Best case scenario is balkanization with more cut lines.

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@FinalDresdonation @southpole21 The steps I outlines are:

Californication: the worst ideas are made into law, but at least we still have our guns.

U.K.ification: they took our guns and our free speech.

South Africation: white people become second-class citizens in an ironic reversal of Nazi Germany and the Jews.

Venezuelification: Hyperinflation, collapse, war. However the Right will be long-since purged by this point. It's mostly the trash taking itself out.

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