Take this for what you will, but I think Elon represents a break in the Global Elite Factions. Not a major one, but I think it shows they essentially want full control, and to destroy most of the west. But a portion of them want the birth rates and not trans stuff. Basically they just want longevity to the regime and don't want to double down on every single thing. Just the things that would ensure them power longer term in some ways. (In their mind at least bc not TWRA = Low Birth Rates.)

@FinalDresdonation it's simple. The younger members of the elite see the system collapsing over the coming decades and are pushing back against the elderly leadership that doesn't care because they'll be dead by the time it happens.


@Tfmonkey Sounds about right. If only they knew/would do what it actually takes to change things for the better. But bad soil ruins plants.

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