
Women. For real though conservatives still simp so hard. This shit is 'News'

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@FinalDresdonation "Trad feminists" have to convince tradcucks the only way they can. You fight for their privileges, they show you their tits.

Western men will never let women lose their rights, they have to be replaced the hard way.

@Based_Accelerationist I'll invoke the 'We'll See' I think systemically bad hard times can change a lot especially with general instability. It is going to be an interesting genie to put back in the bottle none the less.

@FinalDresdonation Assuming the West doesn't end up as a giant concentration camp, women will only lose their rights once society collapses and "rights" stop being a thing. Men won't take them away. There's no doubt they'll toughen up once things get bad enough. It's when the time to rebuild comes, the start of "the good times", that we'll see if western men actually learned anything. Personally, I think it'll take nothing short of genetic/cultural replacement to end the cuckery.

@Based_Accelerationist I think it is going to be interesting to see around industrialization. Because while Western culture did change around a lot of these things there was a lot of 3rd party influence, and too much comfort/stability for these changes to go unchallenged. I think the culture itself will shift, but it is also the fact that the prior culture was supplanted with the GAE, Zion culture. I believe it simply lost its way and chaos will bring it into a reordered cycle.

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