Dark triad traits are winning traits, that's why they're demonized.

@basedbagel I have tried being more confident, develop a better personality, and being more dark triad and women respect me more when I call them out on their bullshit. But, that is it. Respect.
Some might act more submissive but that does not magically make them attracted to me. They just want to talk, play games, and a little challenge, at best.

@basedbagel 2/2 Here is where guys get delusional and think "game" works. Yes, if you have a good personality, women will love to laugh at your jokes and talk to you, but they are just using you as a free clown.
The *Real* attraction, that makes them stunned, only happens if you are good looking. If she is not collaborating with physical escalation, then you do NOT have good "game".
** You are simply being used.**


@sardonicsmile @basedbagel one thing that I think is overlooked in the manosphere (especially in the old days) is how important looks really are to women. I would say basically between the ages of 18-29, when women are in their “hoe phase” as Rollo states they are looking for the alpha males with good genes like Jason Mamoa or Jeremy Meeks, but then between the ages of 29-35 they put less emphasis on looks and more on resources, status and stability. Ideally they want the total package.

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@I_AmTheKnight @basedbagel No one wants to be "fully blackpilled", truth be told.

There are too many truths when it comes to the reality of dating as an ugly man, and until those are addressed, men will continue to feel that way.

It's not an issue that can be resolved by therapy or "deradicalization".



True, best advice I can give is go to Asia or somewhere your dollar stretches.

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