“Women will always filter empirical data with a solipsistic lense”.


@I_AmTheKnight I watched it today in the morning and again they blame men.

What can men do when women are the one that have biggest influence on current situation.

She say again men should do better. But they do. Does she know how many men are scammed by men and women? There so many men going to the gym, paying for PUA or dating coaches and over all doing pretty good.

But again blame men. That will solve all our problems.

@Stahesh @I_AmTheKnight The harder you get fucked, by life, the harder you have to cope.
In the face of sheer brutality, of thr unfairness of life you have to believe your suffering means something.
Life is laughably unfair and then you die.


@sardonicsmile @Stahesh unfortunately we live in a society that revolves around women’s feelings and emotional erratic state. Rollo pointed out something interesting in a few streams ago which was that alot of research in Science and Psychology has been halted due to the “Crisis of Replication” and that was after a large amount of women entered academia. Basically the media and academia all has to push social constructionism to sooth women’s egos, Feels over Reals unfortunately feels is winning.

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