
I just found my two year long investment came to an end with a $156k loss. The financial hit hurts, psychological loss hurts as well. But we learn through pain, so after I get over it, I will be better for it. Only second stock I lost money on. Funnily enough, both were USA companies that fucked their investors over...makes you wonder about the american corporate culture and its treatment of investors...

@Justicar Glad you’re taking the loss as a learning opportunity.

@TenaciousGoat @Justicar What was that good looking investment that made you lose money🤔

@Stahesh @TenaciousGoat TELL. Correction, lost "only" 116k, 39%. I sold rycey at 1 for this. It went to 4.5. Opportunity cost was higher than realized loss.


Ireland’s status as tax haven for tech firms like Google, Facebook, and Apple is ending
/ The country has signed on to an EU deal that aims to reduce tax avoidance

A lot of American Corporations are not American and are not loyal to the best interests of Americans

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