An american missile with a pride and/or israeli flag on it has to kill one of this close family members.

@Zeb Putin will probably need an attempt on his life for him to wake up.

@Mr_Mister @Zeb Putin runs a real country in a real world. He is not some kind of armchair interner warrior. Sure this sucks but Russia has been decimsting Ukraine military for over two years now. Things like this are mere mosquito bites. The inevitable defeat of UAF will happen. No reason to make an emotional decision on a whim. The bill will come due on Russias own schedule in a manner of their choosing.

@Justicar @Zeb It’s not that this is some random emotional response by Putin. This is a(nother) red line being crossed by the Ukrainians. Yeah they’ve invaded Russia, which isn’t that bad itself because it is a war after all. But now they’ve confirmed to be using NATO-supplied weapons which is something Russia has be saying is too far. This, the beach bombing incident, the concert terrorist incident, destroying bridges.

And so…..what’s Putin gonna do about it?


@Mr_Mister @Zeb If NATO openly attacks Russia, China will get in on the action and push in the living shit out of all NATO countries. NATO is a paper tiger. Everyone knows it. But everyone wants to do business now and in the future. No one wants destruction. Idiots in powerful places will use the situation to keep poking Russia but Russia will not respond irrationally. These idiots will be out of their offices sooner or later so it makes no sense to take them too seriously and make..

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