@Stahesh @RodrickSage when the time comes.
Look at all the wonderful things that have appeared in the last few years! Maybe when we are 50 we will be able to upload our minds into virtual worlds and become immortal.
Death is so final. Life is full of possibilities! MGTOW is about going forward, advancing and transcending cucked feminized degenerated soyciety!
@RodrickSage @Lorgar Same I want to leave this world because I have realism hope next life will be scifi or fantasy.
Next I was fascinated whole life with death and wondering what is next.
I hope next life there will be better community and not retarded government and people like in this life.
I hope it will be day that I will reach inner peace
@Lorgar @Stahesh if you want that, more power to you, me i want yo die.