
"The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior."

And by past behavior I mean 109 times and countless historical examples of their pedophilia and ritual abuse.

@UncleIroh @LysanderMooner
Luck for them they're in NYC, where MAPs can do as they please as long as they don't misgender the raped children.

@UncleIroh @LysanderMooner

Getting kicked out 109 times does not mean necessarily mean someone is bad

For example there are people that have probably been kicked out of facebook 109 times for the good deed of pointing out Jewish bad deeds

@shortstories @LysanderMooner

Sure buddy.

Ever heard of an ongoing longitudinal study that has lasted all of recorded history? Lol.


Jews are making buildings collapse

They said buildings having been collapsing in New York City


Jews involved in illegal sale of human organs mentioned in video


Remember that time when TFM said orthodox Jews are not a problem only the zionist Jews

If they practice the Jewish religion they are all a problem for those the Jews label as gentiles

If the gentiles do not want their buildings collapsed, and to be raped and enslaved and to have their organs removed all by Jews then then those who practice the Jewish religion are a problem for them

@shortstories more like remember every single episode, TFM tries project Halseys temperament across the entire Orthodox community while never mentioning the secret child rape lines in Orthodox bath houses

Maybe the monkey is a Jew...

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