After a week of increasing my cardio and increasing my fiber I GAINED weight. I'm pretty sure it's water retention, because it's hot as fuck and my fingers feel swollen, so I don't know if I should just carry on and wait for the weather to cool or if I should change something up.

I think I'm going to switch from fiber capsules to a drink powder so I get enough fiber. I don't want to take 5 fiber pills multiple times per day.

It's just so deflating to work hard and see negative progress.


@Tfmonkey When you look at yourself in the mirror, do you see any visible changes? Weight on scale can change due to water mention and hormonal shit. Maybe you're overestimating your workout/underestimating what you at. I met too many fates who complain about not being able to lose weight but chug a 12 pack of coke. Not saying that's you just saying

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