I can't sleep because of the new episode of "My Upstairs Neighbors are Fighting Again."

They're both overweight (more her) so there's lots of stomping.

Oh shit! She's sobbing now! The ugly cry with loud groaning, from the back of the throat.

And this is the first time I've actually heard him yelling back like this. "YOU'RE RUINING MY FUCKING LIFE!"



@RoninGrey I had shitty neighbors like this. The woman was a psycho, she'd throw tantrums daily ONLY if the man is around. One time she threw pots and pans at him.

It stops either the moment he leaves, she instantly drops the act, or when about once a week he roughs her up a bit. She'd shut up for a few days after that.

I would cheer for him when he beat her, she is clearly the type who can't function without it.

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