@basedbagel Needed a third option: no, nobody should accept damaged goods.
The old testament solved this problem by having them get married. You break it, you buy it.
@basedbagel Whoever called you an asshole, if they can't take your side on not wanting damaged goods, when exactly will they take your side?
@basedbagel Sounds like that discord isn't very based.
It was mostly purple pillers.
They werent ready to go full TWRA but they were pretty reasonable compared to normies who bug out if you even attempt to discuss reality
This wasnt IRL it was a discord debate.
The topic of dealbreakers came up and I mentioned this in an offhand way and everyone went silent, except for one who told me "broz that's kinda fucked up"
i further explained it and while he never agreed he dropped it so it is what it is.