@VooDooMedic Would you watch this anime?

Title: Fur and Fury: The Tale of a Reincarnated Tyrant

Episode 1: "A New World, A New Beginning"

Adolf Hitler is reincarnated into a fantasy world filled with magic and mythical creatures.
He encounters catgirls and bunnygirls, who captivate him with their innocence and charm.
Hitler learns that these creatures, known as beastmen, are treated as second-class citizens by humans, sparking his initial sympathy and desire to fight prejudice.


Episode 2: "Unveiling Injustice"

Hitler witnesses firsthand the discrimination and oppression faced by beastmen at the hands of humans.
Despite his efforts to advocate for their rights, he faces resistance and hostility from human society.
Frustrated by the unwillingness of humans to change, Hitler begins to harbor feelings of resentment and anger towards them.

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