With all the outrage from the Palestine supporters on the left at the current administration, many of them might either sit out this election or protest vote for a third party. It could cost Democrats the White House.

Ha, who am I kidding? They will just "secure" the election again with some extra ballots they just happened to find at the last minute. So who cares if their own side is fighting against them? It is not as if they care about anyone's opinions once they have power.

Though leftists being strongly opposed to how the current administration is supporting Israel in their genocide just made me realize something: there is no mainstream option that exists for anyone who is against Israel/for Palestine. Because Trump has been even more vocal with his Israel dick sucking.

It just validates the whole America being a vassal state to Israel theory. Not that there was not decades of politicians always voting to give Israel all the money they can.

And leftists being arrested for opposing Israel just shows that the government is only leftist as far as it gives them power. Once the foot soldiers start going out of the bounds of approved causes to support, they show that they have no issue putting leftists in their place as well.

Power always comes before ideology when it comes to those who rule.


@houseoftolstoy Ideology is for voters. For officials, there is only realpolitik.

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