Men who repeatedly complain about women and act as if they're the main cause of society's problems, are VERY misguided.

Women haven't changed, they've always been like this and that's a GOOD thing. Women are the shit test of mankind. If the men are too weak and pathetic to stand up for themselves, then we need women to destroy their soyciety from within and replace the weak men with foreigners.

Why would you want high birthrates when the men are compliant worker drones enforcing tyranny?


@Based_Accelerationist The catch with this thinking is you can be doing everything right, but because other men are enforcing gynocracy, you will still get a shitty outcome.

This is why you can't save a gynocracy. You have to leave, be an expat, integrate into a society that isn't broken. Your ancestors did this for less.

If you're American, the reason you're here now is because your ancestors left their homeland, usually for a reason like cheap land. Why shouldn't you?

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@Mongoliaboo Indeed, just living close to the compliant masses is pretty much a death sentence at this point.
The US and most of Europe won't make it, the plan is to destroy them completely. Africa, Asia or South America seem like the best options.

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