I'm so tired of people saying you shouldn't hate anyone.

Why not?

It's natural to hate people who go out of their way to lower your quality of life.

I hate most people for because

1. They're easily maniuplated

2. They cost me money and time

3. Due to their parasitic nature they hold us back as a species so much I'm flirting with the idea of eugenics.

4.They won't leave you alone unless you threaten them.

5. They go out of their way to to do evil things.

They sure do!

Funny you say that because This started as a rant about women but then it's not just women it's most people.

Dudes will flake on you like hoes it's crazy!

A bunch of obese, mindless, parasitic junkies scared of their own shadow.

They say I shouldn't hate them, but What's to like?

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