Maybe throwing more money at the problem is not the solution. If women really, really wanted to have babies, they would do so without futile attempts to bribe them.

And I include becoming a wife-material woman as an aspect of the "want to have babies."

I thought the South Korean President who got elected promised to roll back feminist laws. How about you do that?


@houseoftolstoy you’d think that after all this time and after the betrayal of the new cuck president South Korean men would do the thing.

They have every reason to. Women are granted special treatment and privileges yet men are conscripted for what 3 years(?) and constantly face the threat of war and death by the North Korea. And there’s the lie down flat movement that’s taken root in SK (no pusssy no work). But they’re too busy listening to K-pop and getting plastic surgery I guess. Oh well.

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