Dante’s Inferno read by Legacy of Kain characters (ai audiobook)


@Lorgar Yep. Took me over 2 months but it’s done. AI really is soemthing.


Awesome job, congrats.

Can you outline the process? What was the hardest part?

@Lorgar , you did the Gynferno right? You should redo yours like this. I enjoyed your version but it would be better with great AI voices, like sampling Sandman's actual voice. That would be funny as hell when he says "And cheeeeers!"

@UncleIroh @Lorgar thank you for the praise. It was tedious more than anything.

Step 1. Finding instances of the characters speaking with little background noise. I was extremely fortunate LoK has a lot of that. Then it was screen shotting the clips and putting them into Eleven Labs to synthesize them.

Step 2. Copying the entirety of The Inferno and parsing it by who speaks when.
Canto 14 part 5 - Raziel
Canto 14 part 6 - Kain


@UncleIroh @Lorgar
Step 3. Eliminate all background noises in Reaper (a DAW). Done with a noise gate or manually.

Step 4. Equalize volume for each character to every other instance in the poem, first by each character to themselves in every canto, then each character to themselves in all cantos.

Step 5. Put the entire poem together in sequential order, adjusting volumes along the way. Render it.

Step 6. Make speaker credits, introduction, & thumbnail. combine & upload.

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