@Tfmonkey why don't you join Islam? Is it because they value equality and you don't? Are you letting the perfect become the enemy of the good? They have patriarchy, they have the solution. And they even get uppity when the government fucks with them. There ya go a community to join, you can have a family.

@MrpoopyButhole @Tfmonkey It's about more than patriarchy in the religion as a whole. The specific community you think about joining also needs to support certain tenets. For example, I didn't join the local Mennonite group because they are pacifist absolutists. They advocate literally give a thief their coat like Jesus said and will not defend themselves if attacked though they will flee if possible. Granted, it's questionable if all are that strict.


@DoubleD @Tfmonkey ya it's not like Iran's birthrate supports patriarchy, oh well. The Mennonites I know suffer the same inbred plague the Jews and Amish do.

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