
Tradcucks are no different from the left. These retards do not seem to understand that age verification is another way to remove internet anonymity. And the fact some believe ban porn will improve birth rates. LOL fuck these gynocentric morons.

· Edited · · Ivory for iOS · 3 · 0 · 3

@Pain66 To be fair I dont most of men watch porn anymore hope they keep distracted with the porn stuff but hope they dont touch the Hentai and Adult Manga were is the fun really is today.

@Pain66 I'm the rare advocate of banning it. But I at least understand that there are many more important issues before doing so and doing so is not the solution at all for birth rates.

@Pain66 But yeah too the age verification is the big current crux of it. Not good at all as it'll be used to justify crackdown internetwide in the west

@Pain66 >I predict a baby boom in Utah in a few months

This is making a whole lot of wrong assumptions if this guy is serious. First, that men are foregoing sex with women in favor of porn. Porn is most often a substitute when sex is not possible to get, not the first option. Second, that when men lack porn they will be able to have success in sex/dating. Third, that porn is somehow otherwise blocking procreation from happening (you name whatever excuse you want).

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