
What do people think? This just sounds like an excuse to be incompetent. Let’s be real some people deserve to be yelled at and other who don’t deserve it also get yelled at.

@Pain66 Depends on the circumstances. If I'm working 80-90 weeks 7 days a week for months at a time due to management incompetence/understaffing and my dipshit boss (who works cozy 40 hour weeks) comes to yell at me I'll be pissed off. If I wasn't doing my job or was being grossly incompetent that is another story.

@Pain66 No need to yell like crazy woman.

If you are not doing anything stupid or so wrong, There is really no need to yell at someone.

@Pain66 He shouldn’t work for female management to eliminate that liability. Respect is also earned not given freely. He can quit his job at any time if he wants to change the outcome.

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