
Gentlemen I present to you: women.

· Edited · · Mona for iPhone · 7 · 0 · 0

By the way women in the 100,000s agreeing with this whole heartedly. Even the “tradwives”. You really think these dipshits would ever allow this in the reverse? God I hate everything this world has become.

Alimony and child support isn’t enough. Now it’s half of your company as well LOL. It ends only when men decide it ends.

Man now I really want to be a stay and home husband and demand 50% ownership over my boss babe wife’s company. If only women were actually competent to run a profitable business and understood things like logics and ethics.


It shows how calculating they are, already looking towards divorce to use the threat as leverage. This is legitimate abuse of those children as well as the man. They do this because they know there’s no consequences no matter what they do.
We’re living in the era of the female psychopath, that behavior is rewarded and given a blank check so it sets the rules.

@Pain66 If she was good and keeper she would not bring it up.

But if she was somewhere in between I would make deal to pay hare min to average wage to her or investment account.

But I would never give half of company to women.

@Stahesh If this was really about fairness She would get the pay of a nanny for the duration of their marriage. But whenever women have to get off their fucking ass and do something it’s always 50%. Never when it’s them having to pay a man though. Heck if a stay and at home man demanded this it would’ve been a bloodbath of normies having an aneurism.

@Pain66 Even being stay at home husband is already point when normies lose it.

Like you are not real man and do not want to support your family even though your wife ear double what you will be making.

Even though it would make better sense for women working these shitty jobs.

Because I as men have zero patience for work politics

@Stahesh Yeah it’s like the deeper you go down the rabbit hole. The more you realise we’re truly at the end times. There’s no reason or logic to anything regarding heterosexual relationships. It’s all whatever benefits women at the moment and both sexes more than willing to go along.

@Pain66 True now everything is ruled by simps and women where logic is nowhere to be found only emotions.😇

@Pain66 >my job is to make him less stressed, and that makes me have a big sad

She is spitting in the face of thousands of years of biology. And if this dude owns his business, then his mental well-being directly correlates with his pay.

The modern woman is a listless retard with pry bars taped to her arms. browsing a china shop.
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