The Lazy stupid people are a problem, but the corrupt aristocracy leading them astray is also a problem.... Took another opportunity to make voodoo look like an idiot on 10/28 cause he doesn't know how to defend himself on the spot,, prob why you have him on the show, make white nationalists look like morons. What was best for the european people was to have an aristocracy as closely related to them as possible.

@PordanJeterson so you would be fine being a slave as long as your slave master was the same nationality as you?

Interesting take.

@Tfmonkey voodoo is kind of a slow wit you can use to make white nationalists look stupid on air...... he doesn't know how to point out and respond to the multitudinous fallacies you commit.

@PordanJeterson Voodoo is his own man and he volunteered to be part of the show when Kuroi left. Why don't you message @VooDooMedic and coach him or something instead of bitching about how I'm manipulating Voodoo into making white nationalists look stupid

@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic you said that VooDoo was making the mistake of thinking what is good for him is what is good for everyone....the globalist cathedral are the perpetrators of all of the worst war crimes, this is the same party that sanctioned the murder and rape of women and children in the south and in palestine...they believe in accomplishing their goals by ANY MEANS behooves all of the worlds inhabitants to take away power from these kinds of people.

@PordanJeterson @VooDooMedic Everyone is this way, it's human nature. It takes a big brain to abstract and consider someone else's world view without superimposing your own and assuming what's good for you is good for everyone.


@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic its not that what is good for me is good for everyone....its that what is bad for the jews is good for everyone....they want to own the earth, they want to be able to own the grand canyon and turn it into an in ground pool.
with thousands of goy slaves who exist just to maintain it.

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