@mrhorsetwat jUsT tAkE tHe BuS
jUsT sPrEaD LoVe
VioLeNcE iSn'T tHe aNsWeR
PoLiCe WiLl hElP
LeSs GuNs mAkE uS SaFe
dOn'T StErEoTyPe
vOtE bLuE nO mAtTeR wHo
vOtE fOr ThE LeSsEr Of TwO eViLs
iT's WhItE sUpReMaCy
wOmEn ArE jUsT aS cApAbLe aNd UsEfUl As MeN
DiVeRSiTy iS oUr StrEnGtH
tHeY'rE oPpReSsEd
Literally everything they believe is wrong. At a FOUNDATIONAL level, all the way through.
This is why you don't "make the case" anymore. It breaks down EVERYTHING and people can't accept it.