Isn’t it be easy enough too just create new slurs that AI won’t know. This seems very doable.


@Fever @UncleIroh Yes, sir. "Money-counting star-flaggers angered the sand-kissers by marching into their shrines, so the sand-kissers decided to say fugeddaboutit and started parachuting like Koopas into the Whorely Land. There was footage of a "warrior" settler female with pants like a Koopa Parapoopa, too, which was amusing. It may have been life-juice instead of doodoo, though. And recently released footage showed the Christ-unalivers aliven't-ing their own people, so that's silly."

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@RoninGrey @Fever

Eeea.. it's OK, but..

I was looking for something more rapey, violent and racist, with comedic undertones.

Something wholesome where we all come to learn that the real friends were the kikes we stomped along the way.

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