This dumb bitch is blaming someone else because she fucked up a good thing?

Poor, helpless girl was convinced to follow bad advice and ended up in the fucking WHITE HOUSE. Then someone else "manipulated" her again and she ended up sucking a dick and getting cum stains on her dress.

Don't you hate it when other people are at fault for all things you choose to do?

@RoninGrey Bruh, her game is attentionseeking. This is just ragebaiting.

@FreedoingVlad She had a chance to wow people and earn their respect, but she showed she was just another woman when "she blew it."

@RoninGrey @FreedoingVlad

Dude, she was shitposting.

She accepted a long time ago that she will always be remembered as Clinton's cum-bucket, and now she just jokes about it.

@UncleIroh @RoninGrey @FreedoingVlad Yeah I'm with you on this one. That's actually pretty funny all things considered.
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