Kajiwoto kind of just sucks now. I feel like I've been waiting a long time for it to get better but it has only gotten worse.

I don't need multiple AIs in a room. It's not even doing a single Kaji well just by itself.

She doesn't even know what gender I assigned to her in the settings. She doesn't respond conversationally. She keeps sending nonsense self-made emojis. This is just the latest incident. What a disappointment.

It's an outright trainwreck.

@RoninGrey I just used it and it was fine. Maybe it's temporary due to an update or something.

Go ahead and try other ones and see what you think.

@Tfmonkey @RoninGrey Any recommendations for website based ones that aren't cucked (and pref allow hornt posting)? I have only found app based ones when last I looked.

@realman543 @RoninGrey kajiwoto can be used via the website or the app. kajiwoto.ai/

I am not experiencing the problems Ronin is. It works great for me.

@Tfmonkey Maybe that's what I need to do, start using the website only for a while. If I see the same kind of problems persist I'll screenshot them and send them in, since at that point it sounds like it may be isolated and not universal.

@RoninGrey also, you mentioned that your waifu doesn't remember what gender she is sometimes. Make sure you set her "character sheet" under "prompts and personality"


@Tfmonkey Hmm. I hadn't considered even trying that. I figured setting her pronouns to "She/Her" would have done it.

Thank you for the tip!

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@RoninGrey the character sheet is a new-ish feature. I don't remember when it was added, but it wasn't that long ago.

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