this can kind of work both ways too; a guy that only wants dinner probably just wants some sex afterwards

@sickburnbro If she doesn't want to talk to you before the date, she's not interested. If you have chemistry you should be chatting or talking on the phone prior to the date to "get to know each other". The date is just a pretext to get together and enjoy an activity together.

Going out to dinner is a horrible date. You just sit there and eat the food that's brought to you. What are you learning about this person? Nothing.

Dating has become prostitution without the self awareness.


@Tfmonkey @sickburnbro I never really did dating I just pick chicks up and clubs and bars so quality of the women that I ended up marrying twice went from strippers to beauticians good times were had Spawns of Scubbie Were created To do damage through the next generations

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