@basedbagel I do not know exact reason why. But I like women with black hair and dark clothes.
I am somewhat introverted and hate social stuff. So introverted depressed girl sounds as good option.
I personally do not mind metal or goth style. I personally wear often dark clothes be it t-shirt, pants or sweatshirt.
Another thing can be paleish whiteish skin. As someone who is white who is attracted to women with white features.
@Stahesh Guys wear dark clothes becase all we have to choose from are blue an black.
Women can choose ANY color they like and they goths choose to dress like men at a funeral.
I dan't mind the pale girl preference but IMO there are plenty of pale girls who aren't goth.
For me I like happy, bubbly, athletic basic bitches.
They're low maintenance and they bring the best out of me.
Depressed girls kill my vibe.