@Tfmonkey so this whole time the Jews just really wanted their own country and was willing to destroy the rest of the world in order to get it? Cause revenge for ww2 and basically the rest of history? The Losers of history really just wanted one win this whole time and they were willing to destroy the American empire and cause ww3 to get there? That’s how I’m understanding this.


@Pain66 Probably. But they are not so smart in doing it.

They could only use west to help them build Israel and not fuck up the west. So now everybody hates them be it west or east.

They should make Israel and kill all of Palestine all at once. When they had backing from west.

Only Arabs would most likely complain. But would not do much because of US and NATO.

After few decades If they will not provoke others. They could enjoy their Israel and work from there.

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