@Stahesh @LysanderMooner

Not worth the bother

Russia has holocaust denial laws

So it is not a good place to flee to unless it changes that

@shortstories @Stahesh so? Russia is naturally anti Nazi
I don't talk about the Holocaust ever either

Russia prosecuted thousands less than the UK for online speech last year too

@LysanderMooner @shortstories @Stahesh
Yes, why would you ever need to talk about something that never happened irl? It's like if countries forbid you from speaking about harry potter: ok dude, it's fiction anyway.

Russia is ONLY a good option if you're white. Keep in mind that being mixed is not very favorable, specially if you go to smaller cities.


@Zeb @LysanderMooner @shortstories I am white so no problem

+ I am from Czech so Russia is not that far. If needed I can get there in case of problem

But know very little about Russia and do not know how hard it would be with paperworks and getting job

Another problem what will west do to Russia in near future.so I do not know how safe it would be for me

I do not mind Philippines but they are too close to west so I do not know what to expect

So far I am looking for future where to go.

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