
You can not be Christian & have consistent beliefs & support Israel

There are people who claim to hold other Christian beliefs while claiming to be a zionist but the beliefs are contradictory

Palestinians have a higher % ancestry from OT Israel than Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews on average

Palestinians practice Christiainity or Islam usually

Christiainity and Islam are closer to the Old testament (OT) religion & to the Christian religion than the Christian hating Jewish religion


Before modern Israel's fabrication Ashkenazi Jews spoke other languages like Yiddish more often than Hebrew

OT is in Hebrew & Aramaic which are like Arabic not Yiddish

Arabic is closer to Hebrew than Arabic

Palestinians who speak Arabic & Aramaic speak languages closer to the old testament languages than Ashkenazi Jews that speak Yiddish or whose ancestors spoke Yiddish or other languages that are not Hebrew


According to the OT Jacob who was renamed Israel was a Syrian but so called Israel has attacked Syria

If any Palestinians were from Syria than they would usually be closer relatives to Jacob / Israel than most Ashkenazi Jews

The people living in Syria today would also be closer relatives to Jacob than the Asdhkenazi Jews

@shortstories I like islam because it is new version.

And Islam is made by master morality compare to judaism and christians that have slave morality.


Christianity has morality that is closer to Stoic morality than slave morality

Denying yourself pleasures is a way to gain control over your own behavior so you can not be mastered by someone who bribes you with pleasure

If Christians tried to overthrow the Roman Government early on when Paul sent out letters then they would have been exterminated

The non Christian Jews tried to overthrow the Roman Government lost & got expelled from Rome

& had their temple destroyed Mark 13:2

@Stahesh @shortstories "it is much more than intriguing that the Muslim understanding of Jesus is very much in conformity with the first Christian orthodoxy, the original Jewish Christian understanding of Jesus"

Jewish Christianity went extinct in the early 100s AD when Hadrian genocided Judea. The only way Islam could come to the very same beliefs was by divine revelation.


@Mongoliaboo @Stahesh

Judean Christians did not go extinct

Palestinians are the descendants of the Biblical Israelites and Judeans

Palestinian Christians are Jewish Christians

Ashkenazi & Sephardic "Jews" do not practice old testament Judaism

Ashkenazi & Srphardic Jews wrote their religious texts after the New Testament later than Christianity

There are also Christian Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews who call themselves Messianic Jews who are persecuted by the State of counterfeit Israel

@Mongoliaboo @Stahesh

The Church of the East or at least some branches have a Aramaic liturgy which is one of the two languages the Old Testament was written in Hebrew plus Aramaic for the book of Daniel

The Church of the East existed in the middle East

The top leader of the Church of the East likely also has more Judean and Israelite percent ancestry than most Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews

Muhammad learned about Christiainity from someone in the Church of the East

@Mongoliaboo @Stahesh

Some branch of the Church of the East teaches that God is not a trinity of Mother Mary, Father and Son nor a quadrinity of Mary, Father, Spirit and Son although they do not necessarily deny a trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit but would deny Jesus is the biological Son of God

Islam teaches that God has no biological mother, spouse or biological child

Islam teaches God has no body

Some Branch of the Church of the East teaches God has no body

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