I already know the debate went badly for Biden without having to watch it, because the betting market for him winning just dropped a whole lot.

Not that the betting market matters if they plan on stealing the election, but I have to wonder if they will be bold enough to try it now.

The better plan would be to replace Biden with Newson or Big Mike and then steal it again.
At this point they could just steal for Biden and tell everyone to go fuck themselves: "Qtard: We'll get him in 2028".


@Zeb @houseoftolstoy With current news say how biden was mentally retarded in debate. When they denied everything to this point and he did same things.

They will probably go with trump and how he was for jews and Israel. He is already on their side.

So if they will push good news for Trump and bad news for Biden you will see what they want to happen.

They pretty much do not have other candidates because you do not hear them in the news so it will be Trump or Biden.

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@Stahesh @houseoftolstoy
Yes, I think so too. It will be trump to get the goyim to sacrifice themselves for israel. Jews above all I guess...lame.

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