
When Vegans STOP Being Delusional And START Eating Meat

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@Stahesh My non-expert opinion on veganism:

They feel better going vegan because they're leaving a shitty pizza and cheetos diet. Their body has whatever nutrients you can't get from plants stockpiled.

Then, a number of years later, 5 years seems to be the maximum, these stockpiled nutrients run out. That's when they start getting very very sick.

They're instantly cured after eating meat. But they're built such a guilt complex around it by that point, they refuse to do it.

@Mongoliaboo True most of them do it for stupid reason like climate change, eco and thinking we live in world where everybody holds hands and sing kumbaya.

People that wanted to improve or boost their health found out that best thing you can eat is meat.

Because no need to eat plants to create meat when you can eat meat.

Best thing to eat when you want to lose weight is not eating to use your fat reserves.

@Stahesh We have a much longer history herding animals for meat and dairy than we do farming. And hunting goes back even farther than that.

I had to lose weight in the past and I found that only animal products make it possible. They give you a lasting feeling of fullness that makes it easy to stop eating. The same amount of calories in plants never feels like enough.

@Mongoliaboo Same I when I followed the recommended diets. Felt wrong for some reason until I found out about carnivore diet and added more meat into salad.

How it was easy to digest and was ready to be active not like when you eat carb heavy diets where after eating you can't move and need to rest.

@Stahesh @VeganMGTOW meat is not required, humans are starchivores whose rapid brain development can be attributed to the glucose in complex carbohydrates that were readily available year round in root vegetables and for lower energy investment than animals over human evolution

@LysanderMooner @VeganMGTOW Maybe before we become mainly hunter gatherer. Where berries could you short energy boost for hunt.

But many plant base sugars need to be fermented in our gut by yeast and with high concentration you get NAFLD non alcoholic fatty liver disease. Not mentioning for use sugars are like cocaine.

This is why it is so addicting

Meat is required if you want to thrive.

@LysanderMooner @VeganMGTOW If you try full day on meat diet you will see the difference.

@Stahesh @LysanderMooner Here Is a compilation of anecdotes what happen when You do the Carnivore Diet.

@VeganMGTOW @LysanderMooner Your anecdotes are worse than people talkig from their experiences with vegan diet and going to carnivore.

If you want random text I can write it too.

Especially the vegan looks like he is exhausted from talking I would like to see him lift😈

@VeganMGTOW @LysanderMooner You should not follow people blindly like sheep.

He can be same as liver king in vegan version.

Some do it for content and money.

It is hard to know their real diet. If they cheat on their diet and how often.

If they use suplements from animals. So they can be 60% vegan and claim what ever they want.

Because people lie and can't be trusted especially people on the internet.

@marlathetourist Ÿea herbivores have complex digestive systems

ruminants like cows

have complex stomach or multiple of them to digest plants

hindgut fermenters like horses

They have more complex intestines for gut fermentation.


simple stomach and intestines for simple break down of food.

Like changing same car parts it become so simple and easy compare to different types of materials.

@Stahesh True. Humans also have a very long digestive track compared to their body size to efficiently extract nutrients.

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