

Here is video from someone who recommend it here.

min 00:37 someone talks how jews came and most of them did not know how to drive and when they were stopped by cops they tried to bribe them.

PEAK JEW MOMENT :happyjewishmerchant:

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min 45 they talk how Jews come to their town and refused to join town community and stayed close minded.

Funny how they preach multiculturalism but refuse to be open to other cultures but stick to theirs no matter what.

hour 1:04 He shows the kosher symbols that often are placed on products.

So If you buy products with these symbols you support the jews and you don't even know it.

min 58 They start to talk about the people that jews hire for the work.


They hire immigrants because they are cheaper. :happyjewishmerchant:

@Stahesh KSA... as in Kosher States of America?

At this point, just by living in the US and paying taxes, Americans are supporting the Jews.


Love his content, real eye opening stuff. Here is a website a fan made that lets you word search his content to find specific things.

@Stahesh Great stuff.

Someone should show TFM videos like these, so he stops saying things like "Orthodox Jews that want their little communities and wear their funny hats are A-okay and I feel so bad that they'll be blamed for what the white-looking Jews are doing".

After that, he just needs to understand that Putin is kosher, Trump's assassination attempt was staged and women aren't the real problem, men are. But if he did that, his show would look completely different.

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