@Tfmonkey 1/ Something HD on your stream said was quite eye opening. It was what he was saying about how the National government of China was taking far more heavy losses against the Japanese than the Communist forces. It was not his statement that was surprising in itself, but rather that I recall my own school history books saying the exact opposite, that the Communists themselves were the ones who were doing the hardest fighting but won the people over with their sacrifice.

@Tfmonkey 2/ Yes, I am aware that what the history book said sounds like bullshit. It sure was. The eye opening part was how those who win often write history. I don't think there was a communist conspiracy on the part of the textbook writers (even if they are leftists), but rather that they simply took the word of someone else saying it. Not the Chinese, but communist sympathizers in our own government. I have been reading Blacklisted by History, which talks about the communist lies.

@Tfmonkey 3/ We simply cannot take what we think we know to be true at face value. We need to be ready to receive new information. No surprise, the book I am reading is talking about Joseph McCarthy himself, who is maligned by our own leftists who teach history.

That is why when HD said what he said was quite revealing. History is often slanted heavily by those who have an agenda.

@Tfmonkey 4/ Also, it makes no fucking sense that the communists would be fighting harder than the nationalists in China, because the communists could just sit and wait for the National forces to fall while they take over. Which is exactly what HD said happened. Makes a lot more sense than the communists actually fighting themselves and winning over the people as a result.


@houseoftolstoy That's why despite what RTS games teach you, multiple factions facing eachother at the same time always ends the same way: with two sides fighting eachother and the third side finishing off the winner.

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