
@spectre @VeganMGTOW Henry left the show as soon as he was told he would be playing Superman again, simple as. There was no drama behind the scenes, but I'm sure the women on the show didn't like him because he wouldn't give them enough attention or something. I've seen women in workplaces flirt with guys out of their league, and then spread rumors about them when they were rejected.

Henry will be fine. The show will die without him, and they need to blame someone else for it.

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@Tfmonkey @VeganMGTOW @spectre @Tfmonkey @spectre @VeganMGTOW spectre's right, btw. You can't just say women are children and stop there. You don't get to patriarchy without accountability. They are adults who make choices. They should be punished for those choices. Yes you blame them for their choices. Then you hold them accountable. TFM loves to bring up that interview with a muslim woman who shut her dick licker when she notices some muslim men staring her down. She was going be blamed and held accountable for her actions and she knew it. That's why she shut the fuck up.
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