I see your point with dual citizenships @Tfmonkey but being a dual citizen is a critical tool to protect you from tyranny.

Banning dual citizenship gives 1 government FULL CONTROL over your movement.

Look at how Canada TRAPPED their citizens in their country over the vax.

You see how easily a sensible sounding rule can be abused by tyrants?

@basedbagel People flee from tyrannical countries all the time. What do you think refugees are?

If you want to work in one country but be a citizen of another country, fine, but you can't be a citizen of two countries at the same time. It's nonsensical.

It's all because Europe wanted to pretend they were a country.

There are tons of people who have dual and even multi-citizenships. Most countries allow it. Nothing wrong with it. Some do it to make travel easier. Others want multiple countries to take them in if they want to leave. It’s not a bad strategy.

@midway @basedbagel It's stupid CONCEPTUALLY.

If you want a travel visa or a work visa to travel or work in multiple countries, whatever. I also understand that countries do it, but that doesn't make it not stupid conceptually.

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It’s just a document. Just like a letter on your driver’s license, right? But it can be a good part of a plan B…the one thing being a citizen does is gives you a place to go. So if you want to leave country A, it’s so much easier to go to country B in a hurry if you have their passport. No extra paperwork needed.

@midway @basedbagel The context of my ire against dual citizenship isn't that they aren't useful, but that they shouldn't exist.

It's like how government marriage shouldn't exist. The government shouldn't be sanctioning religious sacraments for government benefits.

I recognize it exists though. My point is that it shouldn't.

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