@Pain66 I like having multiple cabinets because it makes it look like a real arcade. Having a single omnicab with 10,000 games on it would be more functional, but it loses the feel of a real arcade.

@Tfmonkey I reckon you can have one of those be an emulation arcade in order to emulate games you may not have on the other ones or to emulate arcade like games that were never put on arcades. But either ways it’s kinda insane you can just use a steam deck to do just emulate everything and do it well.

@Pain66 @Tfmonkey The best thing about the Arcades in the 80’s was a geek who had a lot of quarters could draw all the attention on the newest game.When Dragons Lair came out in 1983 the guy with the most money,and best mullet and jean jacket,was like the Quarter Back to middle school girls and was celebrated like a champion on Friday night at the mall.


@Scubbie @Pain66 Dragon's Lair is a joy to watch and a chore to play.

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@Tfmonkey @Pain66 So you were that guy with the Mullet and the cutoff blue jean jacket.And of chorus the plastic comb in the back pocket for the Mullet.

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