@Tfmonkey Please help I need your opinion

I was unemployed, living at home over the vax mandate.

I had a big argument as my normie parents thought I was stupid.

I lied saying I got vaxxed because they threatened to kick me out of the house.

Now my dad is in urgent care for chest pain and SOB.

Should I tell him its the vax? He thinks its his high blood pressure meds and its no big deal.

I wanna tell him but if you think the damage is done I won't waste my time and just carry that weight.😢


@basedbagel It's likely too late to do anything, and they might kick you out to punish you for lying to them, so just let nature take its course.

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@Tfmonkey I figured as much. Looks like I'm gonna carry that weight.

I really appreciate your opinion on this. I know its random af but I didn't have anyone i trust to talk to about this and it was eating me up inside.

On the bright side we weren't on the best of terms recently so I'm glad I got to tell them I love them while they're still here.

I'm trying to be stoic but this is just unforgivable.

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