i feel personaly attacked , the irony though, he got nuked too by woman . even he couldn't alpha frame through it .the whole deal of it all . just realising if you are not in the 20% its pretty much game over :( even if you win. you will get cucked and pegged daddie govie . man its like life for a man is like dark souls ... nah thats too easy . more like nioh 2 . every single waking moment your destruction is seeked.

@VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey


@dander @VooDooMedic Even if you're a catch and you can attract women, that won't make them loyal and keep them from cheating on you or cucking you, and if you dump them they will falsely accuse you of rape in order to ruin your life, or just straight up stab you with a knife and get away with it.

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