@JewsClues @basedbagel Africa uses western currencies because nobody has faith in a currency run by Africans. See Zimbabwe or Haiti if you want fresh examples.
The French standard of living has jack shit to do with exploited Africans. Again, who exploited Haiti and Zimbabwe that caused their economies to be completely shit?
The idea that western prosperity is the result of black oppression is Communist bullshit. Congrats on being an unintentional shit for BLM. WE WUZ KANGS!
@Tfmonkey @basedbagel Moreover Botswana is not backed with western currencies for example and you sing their praises
@JewsClues @basedbagel Why don't you learn the history of African countries and what economic systems they chose and why before you spread Communist propaganda on my timeline about for France is exploiting the poor Africans to subsidize their welfare state.
Don't @ me until you have something intelligent to say.
@Tfmonkey @basedbagel Just saying another country on the continent went bankrupt doesn't prove anything lol. I love you TFM but sometimes...
@JewsClues @basedbagel You're clearly uninterested in learning anything, so I'm uninterested in wasting any more of my time on you.
I'm setting you to "mute" now. Goodbye forever.
@Tfmonkey @basedbagel What I am stating is that France should have nothing to do with Africa in the first place. Zimbabwe and Hiati are also shit hole countries.