
@zebuceta @dander @VooDooMedic nepotism is human nature. We all want to help our children over abstract concepts like "the greater good" or even the nation itself.

It's hard-wired evolution. The genes only care about replication, so you'll always favor your genetic offspring over those who aren't your genetic offspring.

this is why racism is so easy to fall into. It's easy to separate those who look like you as "us" and those who don't as "them".

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@Tfmonkey @zebuceta @dander how do you then not fall into the trap of blaming the entire races culture on all individuals that are a part of that culture like the gang culture that the African Americans have and then simultaneously applying that to all black people

@VooDooMedic @zebuceta @dander you need to keep in mind that most people are fucking stupid and do what "feels good" instead of what's smart.

Having grown up in the ghetto and raised by a single mom, I've had non-white friends my whole life. I know that most black people are just normal folks doing their best. There is a large minority that have to go though.

Every group has their trash. Black people just have more trash than most, but I don't hate black people as a whole.

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