@DStheo your method is too intentional. When you're driving a car, you flow with the process. Only a new driver who is unsure of himself struggles with all the aspects of driving, but a seasoned driver forget himself in the act of driving.

This is the flow state, and it doesn't require more, but less. If your method makes you feel powerful and accomplished, by all means, continue. However, your method is too laborious to me.

@Tfmonkey @DStheo Why not do both flow with intention and without intention.

I can go with flow of traffic, roads and car. But still I drive with intention to drive somewhere.

@Stahesh @DStheo As long as you keep your intentions simple and obvious, just as the animal seeks food and sex (during mating season), but otherwise has no "plan" for its life.

There is a Chinese parable of an old man who had a horse that escaped, and the man's neighbors were sorry for him. Then the horse brought back 3 wild horses, quadrupling the man's wealth, and the man's neighbors were happy for him. Then while the man's son was taming one of the wild horses, it threw him off ...

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@Stahesh @DStheo After the horse threw the man's son off, the son's leg was broken, and the man's neighbors felt back for the man's misfortune. Then the military was rounding up all the young men to fight in a war, and man's son was spared because of his broken leg, and the man's neighbors praised his luck.

The point being that what seems bad can be good, and what seems good can be bad. Just do the obvious thing, and leave the rest aside.

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